Devoting more ram to my INtergrated GPU

Feb 17, 2018
Recently went from 4gb ram to 8gb ram and found out at same time that whne gaming on a game that requires a good grpahics card since my gpu is intergrated, it uses Ram as if it were Vram or something along the lines of that, i notice that when playing fortnite 4gb ram is used on the game, where is the other 4 gb going? and how could i devote some of it to my GPU, i assume some might be going there but how can i give more or is there a limit on the gpu on how much ram it can take for its capacity, SPECS are

Intel Core i5-6200u
Intel Graphics 520
8gb DDR3 Ram
considering that they both use the same memory pull there is probably no need to increase it. For instance with AMD's new Ryzen /w Vega APU. Increasing the memory for the GPU caused no performance improvements even with the most demanding games. This is because the game will put the needed resources in memory and transfer them to the GPU as needed and because the dedicated pool of memory is the same as the undedicated memory there is no difference is speed if that data is in the dedicated or undedicated section of memory.

So in short you likely don't need to change this.

Now if you do want to change this regardless the setting if there is one will be found in your motherboards BIOS.

I have no idea how to check what the motherboard is, its a laptop Lenovo Ideapad 15-ISK (2016) any steps to finding motherboard name?