DFI ICFX3200 (RD600) T2R/G Information

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Fair enough. I have no personal experience with them so I am just going on what I've read. I have tried the hacked drivers on a RD580 board.... and it wasn't a go. I really wish they would just open the drivers up like they should. I really want to go through their code line by line in and figure it out.
975X is a better chipset than P965....
No it's not.

1. I have no intentions of using SLI/Crossfire.

2. The P965 motherboards have shown to be stronger and faster overclockers in the "real world" than the i975x or even 680i from what I've seen so far. Factor in price, and I prefer P965 at the moment.
The 975X is a high-end chipset, the P965 is a lower-cost mainstream chipset. The P965 is designed to be a lower-end part. It does get to higher FSB's, but it means nothing to me for a chipset to run only to 380MHz FSB when that gets me 3.8GHz from this CPU...which is more than the CPU will actually run stabley.
That is why I am going RD600... I am shooting for north of 4GHz on a C2D. I won't be doing it on air or water, rather TEC. I've been waiting several months for this chipset.
Dec 15th that sux =(, I am leaving the USA around the 20th, don't know if I'll take the plunge right away!

Thinking of getting a P5B-E or P5B-dlx and get a better board this summer. :?
Just get a friend to smuggle one over. Those border patrol guards don't check for anything. In fact, your border patrol guards aren't allowed to carry guns, so when a guy is seen walking towards the border with a gun, all the guards leave and go into hiding (true story, read it on fark!)
Just get a friend to smuggle one over. Those border patrol guards don't check for anything. In fact, your border patrol guards aren't allowed to carry guns, so when a guy is seen walking towards the border with a gun, all the guards leave and go into hiding (true story, read it on fark!)
Yes, it's true. But they weren't hiding, they were getting snowballs. They are deadly accurate with snowballs. Snowballs > bullets. That's a true story, and proven by Canada's lack of successful terrorist attacks.

Just don't let the snowballs hit your motherboard, and you'll be fine. :)
Lol thanks for the advices!

I am already smuggling a radar detector, a tuniq tower and a Tj09 =)

Btw, even if that deal on the GTX/GTS you found was really sweet, I didn't have any cash flow =( and I can probably get it when I come back to Canada for almost the same price.

The only problem with the motherboard is that it takes a few weeks before he receive the stuff, he's getting his first batch of P5N32-E next week to give you an idea. And I need a PC up and running by christmas...
Hmmm Christmas, that's cutting it close. Canada always seems to get screwed out of things, although Europe usually gets screwed even more.

Well, then in your case, hope the RD600 isin't much better than the 680i and things should be fine!

R600 however...
Consider buying an Asrock Dual-VSTA. $70-80Cdn or $50US for Xmas.
Then you'll have your working computer for Xmas, and some time to see the reviews come in. Wait until March hits (or whenever prices drop), and buy the motherboard you want.

Consider the money spent on the Asrock as a "rental" spare tire, LoL.
(I'm actually seriously considering this, as I can re-use my DDR memory and older AGP card. Hoping prices for DDR2 drop more by then, then get something top of the line.)
Yeah not that bad of an idea. I might be able to score an old 775 board that support C2D for a bargain through my friend, remains to be seen.

Man the layout is PERFECT on this board, plus with the no mofset to cool =), I mean I gotta have it. =(

The P5N32-E is ok expect for the IDE placement which royally suck and there's not SATA opticals that are decently price it's bad for my cable management!

Since I intend to get a 8800GTS, those x16 slots will probably be wasted to =(.

On a kind of off topic note...

Its really annoying me that ATi and nVidia both put in artificial driver restrictions to lock Xfire/SLi into their respective motherboards.

Its anti-competitive imho, ATi and nVidia should be required by law to allow their multi-GPU systems to run on Intel, ATi, or nVidia chipset mobos. After all it is supposed to be a free market, and if, for example, R600 turns out to be 3x as fast as G80 and RD600 turns out to have a 270MHz max FSB and dire memory performance compared to nForce 680i, I should be able to choose each on its own merits and go R600+nForce680i

(I know by the way that R600 WONT be 3* the speed of G80 and that RD600 will hit way more than 270MHz before you all start correcting me)

If I want to run R600 Xfire on an nForce 680i, I should be able to. If I want to run G80 SLi on an RD600, I should be able to.

Basically this mobo looks sexy but if I buy a G80 then this cuts off my SLi upgrade path 🙁

Hacked drives can run xfire/sli on anything.
Not really. There was a version of the ForceWare that only ran on certain south bridges, one of the ULI ones if I remember, M1570 or something but I know it wasn't M1575 (mainly because I have that south bridge and they didn't work lol).
That was my understanding as well. Intel basically sets up the chipset for SLI but doesn't officially support it... but with the ATi/AMD merger, who knows what will happen.
Ugh... yeah, so I'm probably going to stick with what works best with what, RD600 if R600 is better, 680i if G80 is better, doubt the ATI or nVidia chipset will allow even hacked drivers...
Another Tidbit in that article

Talking about the striker:
In initial testing we have reached 7x534FSB with our retail E6600 sample and general performance has been excellent. We will be comparing this board to our EVGA 680i, Intel BadAxe2, and hopefully the DFI RD600 board if it is not delayed again in the near future.

Why mention the delay, expect for the fact that it's been delayed many times =|