^^ I totally agree with you, I mean we need realistic coloring and lightning (as long as you can actually see what's on screen of course) for example a desert better be bright and yellowish, and a cave better be dark, gray\brown\black with some sort of moss, while an area like the one in the gameplay video, well it seems to be fairly spot on (though I have no doubt they made it slightly less dark so that people could clearly see what was happening in the video)
*edit* as for the multiplayer I think they were saying it was going to be fairly similar to what it was before (which was pretty good) but I suspect there going to be some special features (like special event raids where for a limited time you can get 2 or 3 times the normal limit of players doing the same thing kinda like pre-determined games for certain purposes)
Anyway, moving on, I also though of something particular today regarding D3 death animations, in the video we saw the barb get his head bitten off, as awesome as that is it may not be in the actual game. I was wondering, wouldn't it be awesome to have that, let me explain:
Let's say we have a barb fighting skeletons with spears, barb's health reaches 0, wouldn't it be possible for the game to find the particular skeleton who killed him and have it do a "spear through chest" animation? other animations could be the barb being sent flying ragdoll style, etc
What do you guys think?