Diablo 3 Lead Designer: Gore OK for Kids

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^ yeah i agree

all those ratings are adult nonsense. games cant replicate real violence in anyway.

I play violet games and I used to play violent games when I was 13! even mature and 18+ and all the high rated titles
Mature-rated games is 18+, not 9.
There should be an option to turn gore and blood off.

However, it's not about games... it's the kids and how they are (genetic, mentally challenged or insane?) and how they grow up (friends, family etc).
It comes down to how well you raise your kids. If they are well rounded and taught from a very young age the difference between right and wrong then you don't find very many issues with them.
These idiots that can't tell the difference between a game and real life are the ritalin laced, mushbrained morons that their parents created by not being a parent.
Stop looking to the schools, government, prescription drugs, television and everyone else to raise your kid. Show some interest in their life and be there and steer them through life. Don't raise an egotistical asshole that walks on the backs of everyone around them. Raise someone with morals and values and show them the right path and punish them for walking the wrong path. I was raised correctly and have no desire to yank someone out of a car and blow their head off with a shotgun because I play GTA
I remember parents sueing Rockstar for their child killing someone and said because GTA taught me how. I really would like to know how the courts let this even happen, the parents need to be thrown into jail and/or shot.

We don't need dumb people raising our children netherless reproducing.

It's up to the parents to control their on kids. If they fail at parenting then they should fail at life and pay for it.

Its not up to the Game Developer to pay for gore on and off. it's up to the parent to be an adult and take control.

Whats the key word in this posting????

[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]The title should read😀iablo III lead designer: Gore OK for HIS kid.Other parents may object, but they better not object to the developer. If you don't want your kid playing it, don't let them get the game.[/citation]


However... just keep in mind that some kids may not be happy about that. Remember the news that a kid shot his parents because they locked up his game concle from him.

Think about how many times we said "I hate you" to our parents when we were a kid... the dirfference is that now some/few kids may actually put that in action... >_<

It may only be the special and extreme case... but.... things do happen

sad.... isn't it?

When I grow up I want to be able to cause my enemies to explode in a colorful red spray. I've tried this several times, but I must not be a high enough level yet? If SpongeBob has taught me anything though, it's that you can rip people in half, and if you slide the pieces back together, they're fine. Which is why I go around ripping people in half.
I've been playing M games since I was 8 and came well for me, is all about the child and parent communication, some kids are more susceptible to violent content than others, they don't know the concept of "game" and reality.
p.s. SpongeBob has about a thousand times more gore than what I've seen from Diablo III. Especially episodes featuring the Flying Dutchman, anyone getting sick or kara te.
[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]The title should read😀iablo III lead designer: Gore OK for HIS kid.Other parents may object, but they better not object to the developer. If you don't want your kid playing it, don't let them get the game.[/citation]
That's not the message at all. The message is that responsible parenting is far more important than some stupid sticker on a box. He's not implying that any child if they can handle these games should, but that if they can and want to, then the parent shouldn't be afraid.
I completely agree with this guy. I let my girl play and watch anything. There are very few exceptions *devil rejects for one.. I think one other can't remember the name*. Like plenty have said teach your kids what is real and what is fake. And WHY!
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