Diablo 3 Q4 2011?


Jun 5, 2010
Blizzard will soon be releasing the beta version of Diablo 3. This means that the actual release date for the game is probably only a hand full of months away. I was playing Diablo 2 LoD and someone mentioned something about the release date for Diablo 3 being in December of 2011.

Has Blizzard officially announced the game's release date?

I certainly hope there isn't a monthly fee to play the game like world of warcraft.
Well considering the amount of games that are about to hit aka Call of duty, Battlefield, Skyrm, Gears and so forth it would have to be Christmas if not early next year.
Its typical for Blizzard to do about 3 months of testing and then release soon after that, I am guessing January release. we will probably know at blizzcon in October (??? is that when Blizzcon is ?)
The game is not going to be pay-to-play, but the auction house feature in this game will allow you to use real money, meaning you can both spend and make real money, although I am not sure if the money you make has to be spent in a specific place.

Also it has been said that the game will require an active internet connection to play at all times...

I found this information from the Diablo III website and the Battle.net forums.