Diablo 3's Senior Producer Quits, Leaves Blizzard

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[citation][nom]phasmantis[/nom]Diablo 3 release date: December 22nd, 2012.Let's hope we all make it that far.[/citation]

I can never keep it straight -- is that the day after or the day of the end of the world?
[citation][nom]torque79[/nom]I agree with others that I don't understand why they don't promote within. What's with all the outside hiring these days? ESPECIALLY in a well-established company with a largely completed game project. Why should anyone bother to work hard and make themselves valuable to a company, if they won't be considered for promotion?[/citation]

I have a theory about that. If you take an experienced developer and promote him to producer, you might end up with:

- delays and bugs, because your best programmer is no longer available to do programming work
- an incompetent producer (Google "Peter's principle"); or a producer who is competent, but hates dealing with people and arguing and writing performance reviews, and who will soon start looking for a programmer job elsewhere

I know some developers who made good and happy managers. However, the majority IMO would prefer a salary raise or some stock options rather than a promotion.

The salary raise would never amount to equivalent salary to the manager though, so someone who's a very talented developer will never get the recognition they deserve for their (extremely important) contribution.

I don't want to make it sound like I'm a developer, I am not. I also feel I have the personal and leadership skills to be in management eventually. I've just seen stuff like this happen around me (to other departments) before, and it bothers me enormously because I see great potential in people being ignored.
Blizzard is a great publishing house for games, and their products live up to the hype for the most part. Their penchant for drawn out development is well known for those of us waiting ten years for this update. To make these switches in the game, when it makes no sense either way, might a lack of leadership, and or loss of creative ideas. I would guess the lead programmer left because of the unnecessary delays, and the mess that these changes would cause. Life is too short, to waste endlessly trying to achieve perfection.
he probably worked long hours and was constantly pressured by the big bosses at activision and on top of that has to manage everyone's problems too.
[citation][nom]Novuake[/nom]What exactly can be "bigger and better" than working at Blizzard!?[/citation]

working at google, microsoft, or facebook maybe?
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom]WTF are you talking about??? No Activision influence? Real money auction house, always connected internet, incorporation of in game ads (maybe not in d3 but in future games)!!!!!!!!! Do these not sound like an activision influence?????[/citation]

i more meant the quality of the game part, the not releaseing a game until its done and not jsut slight revamp and repackage for mediocre titles and maximum profits.

though I actually kind of liek the always connected to the internet part. less easy to exploit and hack toons clientside. I'm looking forward to it, I dont' plan on spending money on items in game ever, but for people who want to or have the cash to I do not see a problem with it. and the in game advertising as far as i've heard is for titan not diablo III
[citation][nom]DroKing[/nom]removing the Mystic artisan, removing the Cauldron of Jordan and the Nephalem Cube, and more.[/citation] Yep I knew it Diablo 3 is gonna be gayed. No more CUBE!?!?!? That is the core of D2 OMGG I hate you forever Blizzard!

To much failures reeking out of this company =/ I really do hope Blizzard go bankrupt and gets swallowed up by Activihack like Infinity Ward did. Shitty and passionless Developers deserve death of their developing.
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom]WTF are you talking about??? No Activision influence? Real money auction house, always connected internet, incorporation of in game ads (maybe not in d3 but in future games)!!!!!!!!! Do these not sound like an activision influence?????[/citation]
PLAYERS ASKED FOR THE REAL MONEY AUCTION HOUSE......geezus. I seem to repeat this with every D3 article. The "always on" connection to play the game is because people wanted to be able to use the same characters in single and multiplayer. Now people will be able to do that, without having to wait for the game client to transfer character data to and from the game server. This is NOT the influence of Activision, it's what the gaming community asked for.
Bigger and better than working on blizzardvision? Bigger and better than working on Diablo 3?? Really??? Fanboy too much??
>>make things easier and more straight forward to capture the casual gamer
Most likely Sr Producer was let go for going over budget. D III recently got a huge over haul which was most likely not necessary. I just hope the final result is a great game because this is 10 years in the making!!!
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