D3's latest patch has seen a 90% reduction in players so it says on forum, Would not surprise me as I just became one of them.
After last night I have stopped until it gets fixed, As a barbarian tank I can't afford to play this class anymore, And to make matters worse the way I liked to play was with attack speed that just got nerfed not using the class's main stat and resist all like the way they want you to play. I was not overpowered in the slightest far from it usually 3 deaths per elite pack on inferno, Attack speed nerf now means I cant kill any elites at all unless I go buy new gear with main stats(how boring)
Each hit costs me gold,gold has been nerfed, can't even hit a random pot as I take durability loss which again costs me gold, Gold that I can no longer get the FUN way, No way in hell I am buying gold Blizzard or using real money AH, Fix the game or see it die faster than you think!
NERF NERF NERF, D3 is now becoming WoW.
Melee class's have now become a joke thanks to repair costs.
The game was awesome before this latest patch it was hard but I could actually get somewhere by randomly grinding for loot or getting lucky finding a rare item or grinding out gold, It was fun. Now I am too scared to do anything as it costs me gold,what bullshit game is this,Games are meant to be fun playing the way we want to play it,Not how you think we want to play it Blizzard. Don't fkn think just make game and release it and leave it be and move onto next game, simple!
As long as there are no bugs that crash game then leave it alone,Stop trying to balance it out you it is not an MMO.
I feel sorry for those that have payed real money possibly hundreds already for gear that was just made useless with latest patch,They should sue Blizzards ass but I am guessing they covered their own asses in some tiny clause they make you sign when you update to the mandatory updates/patches.
These online games are becoming a joke, All we friggin' wanted was a modern version of D2,I don't want to have to co op or buy stuff with real money to get anywhere in game if I wanted that I would go and play a certain other blizz game.