I recently purchased a Gigabyte Z68AP-D3 motherboard, i5 2500K, and a GeForce 550ti. I am obviously new to building and did not realize the motherboard supports crossfire, not SLI. After reading I now understand crossfire is for ATI. I got the 550ti for about $120.00 (after mail in rebate). Should I have gone for an ATI 6850 for about $20.00 more? My goal was to keep my build around $500.00, which is what drove picking a slightly older/lower performing video card model. Also, is this motherboard not very good? I have read mixed reviews..
Mboard: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0375352
Video: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0360190
I feel like the 'experts' at MicroCenter really let me down on this one. I went to a 'store' that had 'experts' because I am not an expert - obviously they are not either.. he was telling me how crossfire is a hybrid of SLI and one of the cards only runs at '8x.' He seemed unsure - now I know why..
Some help from a community of people who know what they are talking about would be a big help here. I like the cost of the motherboard and processor as I got them for $230.00 out the door combined - although unsure on the motherboard after doing a little reading. Just need help figuring out if I should box half this crap back up and take it back.. I was 'in the mood to buy' and went in unarmed..
Thanks in advance community!
Mboard: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0375352
Video: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0360190
I feel like the 'experts' at MicroCenter really let me down on this one. I went to a 'store' that had 'experts' because I am not an expert - obviously they are not either.. he was telling me how crossfire is a hybrid of SLI and one of the cards only runs at '8x.' He seemed unsure - now I know why..
Some help from a community of people who know what they are talking about would be a big help here. I like the cost of the motherboard and processor as I got them for $230.00 out the door combined - although unsure on the motherboard after doing a little reading. Just need help figuring out if I should box half this crap back up and take it back.. I was 'in the mood to buy' and went in unarmed..
Thanks in advance community!