Did i make a mistake choosing CoolerMaster MasterWatt Lite?


Dec 8, 2017
Hey guys,

I am currently building a somewhat budget gaming build and i am currently fretting over whether i made the right choice on purchasing a CoolerMaster MasterWatt Lite 500W. I am definitely sure that 500W provides the system with a sufficient amount of wattage but im worried that the power supply may not be as reputable as other brands. The PSU has a rating of 80+ (no bronze, silver, or gold rating; just 80+). I've read multiple threads discussing the importance of choosing the right PSU and i came across one thread saying how important it is to choose a bronze or more rated PSU. Should i discontinue using the MasterWatt Lite 500W? Or should i purchase a new one? If so, are there any precautionary steps i should take before switching it out, or can i just simply take out the current one and replace it?


My build:
Motherboard: ASRock AB350M PRO4
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1400
GPU: Galax GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
RAM: HyperX Fury (2x 4GB) 2133 Mhz
PSU: Cooler Master MasterWatt Lite 500W
SSD: Sandisk 240GB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB
If it's working....I wouldn't mess with it unless you will be happier changing it out. I work in a plant where I have many cheap power supplies I have installed 20 years ago and they still run just fine.

...but I understand your concern...so if it's worth the money to you...then do it.
The rating in the end of the day means NOTHING AT ALL.
It is something they put on their PSU's to try and sell them, don't believe packaging - ever.
Find reputable review sites, and look at what they review, rather than pretty pictures on a box.
Some "well known" resellers, put their slap happy badge on anything...Just look at Toms review of Antec's latest crappy PSU.