Did I ruin my thermal paste

The role of the paste is to fill in microscopic air gaps between the heat sink and CPU (whose contact surfaces are not perfectly flat). Almost anything conducts heat better than air, and so can fulfill the same role as thermal paste. Denture cream, toothpaste, Nutella, finger oils. They're just slightly less effective. You'll be fine.



The smell of roasting Nutella across my Ryzen CPU... has a Holiday ring to does it? :ptdr:

I've used Zinc Oxide sunscreen and Zinc Oxide diaper rash ointment in a pinch, surprisingly they lasted a few months before the petroleum base got cooked out. As far as touching thermal past goes, as long as you don't have Kentucky Fried Chicken fingers or managed to rub off a huge swath of the paste in the center, then it's not a big deal.