Did my external hard drive repair itself?

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Shantanu Ghose

Mar 17, 2013
This is my hard drive http://www.flipkart.com/seagate-backup-plus-1-tb-external-hard-disk/p/itmdmyf9kzkvsx8a?pid=ACCDBEF6G2AH5TWC&otracker=from-search&srno=t_5&query=seagate&ref=54a47980-cd93-4643-bd7d-7ab97664f29b .So this is a thread i created last october (http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1835972/external-hard-drive-clicking.html) after i found out that it if i grabbed the hard drive during copying files,i could feel it clicking,,,it dint show any errors in crystaldiskinfo,,,but after a few days,,crystaldiskinfo started to show that it had some errors,,i looked them up and it became evident that my hard drive was dying,,i backed up all the data,but havent returned it yet,,i sometimes use it for transferring large data but never store anything in it,,,so recently i scanned the drive using crystaldiskinfo but the errors are gone and its shows the status as GOOD,,plus i dont feel it clicking during copying stuff anymore,,so does it mean it is somehow repaired and i can store stuff in it now or should i be still worried and RMA it?? Help me!!
well there isn't an option for smart check for external hard drive but the other tests turned out fine *touches wood*

Sounds good. The drive "should" be OK, but I'd keep a close eye on it, especially the SMART data.

I have found that HD Sentinel is a very good program for tracking the health of HDDs. You should install this program next and see if it works with external drives.

For the CRC Error, you need to run a checkdsk on the external drive.

Be sure that all of the files on the external HDD have backups.
Boot the PC and connect the HDD that is giving the CRC error.
Open Windows Explorer and right click on the suspect HDD.
Select "Properties".
When the Properties screen opens up, go to the "Tools" tab.
At the top of the screen you'll see "Error Checking" and a button for "Check Now". Click on this button.
This will open an option box which can start checkdisk.
Under the "check disk options" you'll be faced with 2 options and each has a check box.
Be sure that both options are checked in the check boxes, and left click on "Start"

You may get an error that says that the drive is in use and do you want to run the check disk at the next boot. Select "Yes" and restart the PC.

Please post your check disk results here.


I can do that but i dont have any space for backing up my data,,so if i run the chkdsk without backing up the data,,will it corrupt my files?

It "could". I cannot say for sure.

You don't backup your data?



i have some data backed up but most of them are not,,,what do i do?

Buy another external drive with enough capacity. Use a good file backup program, like Synchback Free, and establish a good backup routine. Disconnect the external HDD when it is not in use in order to prevent data loss from virus attacks, lightning strikes and other unforeseen problems.



That's the problem!! i cannot afford to buy another ext hard drive now,,,what should i do? Since the drive passed the seatools test,i cant even return it

No,,I live in India,,and the hard drive has around 150gb of data in it,,do u think the hard drive's usb cable is defected?

It's quite possible that the USB cable is defective. Do you have a spare that you can try?



No,,,i am lost man...what should i do?

Do you have any "discount" computer stores in your area that you could buy a cable?



No,,they are useless