Did research but still trying to determine the best memory to get


Nov 29, 2011
Hey guys.

Im looking to upgrade from my current 6gb of triple channel corsair xms ddr3 1600 because battlefield 3 is using all 6 gigs up to the point where I literally have 20 megs left and I believe I would benefit by getting 12 gigs of triple channel ram however im unsure of what to purchase that will give me the best performance and id also like to know what the best value would be. I've read information on what the ddr speeds mean and the cas latency means but im not sre what would be the best that im looking for.

I have this right now:

I also have an i7-920
asus x58 extreme
On windows 7 64-bit

I've been browsing from this selection:

Now im trying to decide between the vengeance ram the sniper series by skill or the other corsair cmd ram and im also attempting to keep it at 1.5v to keep my i7 safe even though I've been using 1.65v. Is there a better choice than what im trying to decide between? And is getting the xms at 9 cas at ddr3-1600 than the corsair vengeance at ddr3-2000 at 10 cas? Like how do I know what's faster and why? I would like to be educated. Thank you very much for your assistance.
thank you, i apologize for all of the spelling errors and missed words, i was writing the post on my phone. I have discovered that the ram im currently using is actually already rubbing against the cpu fan because i have the scythe mugen 2 cpu cooler. I think ive decided to buy the Corsair XMS ram:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233189 ram

seeing as that will be the only kind that would fit in my computer unless i decided to swap the ram slots in which i set them in which may give me the ability to put the larger ram in and which the xms has done me well so far, but i'll probably go with the ddr3 1600 at 9 instead of the vengeance at the ddr3 2000 at 10. I'm mostly looking for just more ram