Difference between 1600x1200,1680x1050,1920x1080


Feb 6, 2016
Is there a big difference between 1600x1200,1680x1050,1920x1080 resolutions in gaming???and if ther how much difference between them and if i played on 1920x1080 resolution and then lowered it to one of the other two will my fps in games go up or not???
Note:i want to play games on high settings
My PC:i5 3340,3.1 GHz
Look at the fps difference i posted it above.

And about the visual difference, how can we explain it in words? I would suggest to watch videos and images with same content at two different resolutions, but this wouldn't be accurate. The image with lower pixels will have slightly bigger pixels and less details. But don't forget, if you lower the resolution, you will be able to set quality settings higher. Also you should play at native resolution of your monitor. You also can't go higher than that. I just suppose it is an 1920*1080p Monitor. If you lower the resolution, the image will get slightly blurred, depending on how the monitor does this.

The difference between 1680*1050 (1764000 pixels, ~1.7mp) and 1920*1080 (2073600 pixels...
Lowering the resolution will yield to less details, but higher fps, as it gets less demanding for your graphics card. I would recommend to use default resolution of your monitor (today, mostly 1920*1080), as other resolutions are a little bit blurry. It depends on the monitor how good it is at displaying other resolutions. Here are some examples how the performance would change by changing the resolution:

Witcher 3
The settings are everything almost on Ultra, besides some like Hairworks and such.
> https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Performance_Analysis/The_Witcher_3/2.html
Following page shows their benchmarks. The 1600*900p is similiar to 1650*1050p.
GTX 960
1600*900p: 38 fps
1920*1080p: 33 fps
> https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Performance_Analysis/The_Witcher_3/3.html

This is just one example, with one demanding game at ultra settings. And this was when the game was new, so later it changed a little with all those optimizations. I would expect less, as your cpu is not that strong like in this benchmark. Here another benchmark, where the difference between those resolutions is much more.

Rise of Tomb Raider
GTX 960
Very high settings
1600*900p: 41 fps
1920*1080p: 30 fps
> https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Performance_Analysis/Rise_of_the_Tomb_Raider/4.html

So yes, lowering the resolution can drastically change the game. I would do it only, if there is no other way like lowering some shadow or texture settings.
Thanks for all of your replies,but i'm planning to play games on 1680x1050,will be there a big difference between it and 1920x1080 in details ,i currently play on 1440x900 if i played on 1680x1050 will this be a good step or not??
Because i don't have an 1080p monitor,and i want first to ask to see if i will buy it
Look at the fps difference i posted it above.

And about the visual difference, how can we explain it in words? I would suggest to watch videos and images with same content at two different resolutions, but this wouldn't be accurate. The image with lower pixels will have slightly bigger pixels and less details. But don't forget, if you lower the resolution, you will be able to set quality settings higher. Also you should play at native resolution of your monitor. You also can't go higher than that. I just suppose it is an 1920*1080p Monitor. If you lower the resolution, the image will get slightly blurred, depending on how the monitor does this.

The difference between 1680*1050 (1764000 pixels, ~1.7mp) and 1920*1080 (2073600 pixels, ~2mp) is just about. Why not just test it yourself, if you get the monitor?