Difference between ATX and ATX12V?



Whats the difference between ATX and ATX12V power supplies? I have already ordered an ATX one, just wondering.

Basically it referencing a design standard "Advanced Technology Extended" with several revisions...

ATX12V is a 20pin power connector

ATX12V ver2 is a 24pin power connector

Current standard...
ATX12V ver2.2 is a 20/24pin power connector
So, THIS PSU will work with my motherboard, I am ordering in a few weeks, which has a 24 pin. It is fine right? Should I get a refund and get maybe THIS PSU or THIS PSU. The other two are more powerful, same features, and the first other is cheaper. Should I stay with the one I have already ordered, or get a refund and buy one of those two. I dont want to use more than $50 on a PSU.


I also like THIS PSU, 500 Watts, Dual 12v. Sli certified, AND Modular Cabling.
Ya, you told me it was fine.

I am not going to worry about the PSU anymore, cause I wont be running those king of cards.