Difference between same model cards


Aug 2, 2017
I am looking at a putting together a new build soon and here are the parts I have picked out so far.


About the video card, I am looking at getting a 1070. Now there are some that costs around $440 and some as high as $800. What are the differences in these cards? I compared the lowest price and highest price on newegg and the specs look identical. What makes one costs more than the other?
The prices are all jacked up for the 1070 because it is a very popular card for cryptocurrency miners. No one is sure when the prices will return to normal but right now the 1080 is a better value.
It's the same deal for the 1080 cards. They range anywhere from $500 to $1200. What is the difference in the ones that costs higher? Is the quality of the card that much better?

I really need a new video card right now to but i've held off tell this whole pricing thing comes back down to normal or I find one that is about what retail price is suppose to be or close to it

Any idea when the pricing will go back to normal? And what is normal prices for a 1070 or a 1080?

its a guess gaming right now your better off in some cases with a 1080 i've seen a 1070 be more than a 1080 in some cases if that is the case the 1080 would be the better deal

I know one thing if i'm paying over 500 dollar for a card i'm getting a 1080 not a 1070