Differences between Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Certificates?


Mar 6, 2012
What the main difference between them?
Is it worth buying Gold and even Platinum Certificate PSU's?
Will a Gold Certificate PSU serve me more years than a Bronze Certificate one?
All those labels tell you is their efficiency levels at 20%, 50%, and 100% load


A bronze rated PSU will waste around 18% when at 100% load.
Meaning if you have a 600Watt bronze rated PSU running at 100% load, about 108 watts will turn to heat.

If you have a 1200W PSU running at 50%, a bronze PSU will waste 15%.
50% of 1200 = 600. + 15% = 90. That means the PSU will draw in 600W, and an additional 90W that'll turn into heat.

+1 to what hunter said, regarding whether it's worth the purchase or not, sometimes you can't decide.

Like, most high powered PSU's with huge AMP's are gold rated, some silver. (1000+Watt area).

IF your system will run 24/7 you want a gold rated PSU atleast, to ensure minimal wattage goes to waste.

Otherwise, if you're using less than 600W get a 80+ cert one. If you're using more, get a bronze cert one.
Do not however buy a cheap PSU.
Yup a Power supply is at least to me one of the most important things in a computer second only to the motherboard. Everything counts on the power supply period, generally that is also true of the motherboard but the motherboard also counts on the PSU. As far as it goes even if you just want a stable well running PC in general I would recommend at least silver as the higher the 80+ goes the more stable and resourceful it is with both heat and energy usage in general and therefore uses less energy which in 3-5 years will make up triple the extra amount paid for said gold or platinum rated 80+PSU. 😱
Can someone tell me where Titanium rating falls within this spectrum? Since this was posted in 2012 it looks like, I don't think Titanium was around then as a rating. So I ask because I am looking at a PS to run a miner and other than Platinum, was wondering it Titanium was better (more efficient).

Currently it is the most efficient tier:


Excellent, thank you very much!