Different WEI graphic score with Biostar HD 5770 Crossfire, why?

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Nov 18, 2010
I've got an unusual WEI score on graphic section. My specs are:

- AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
- Biostar 890FXE
- Team XDark 12800 4X2Gb
- Biostar HD 5770 in CrossfireX
- Team S1 SSD, WD Raptor and WD Caviar

The unusual thing is :
HD 5770 (single)
- 7.2 (windows aero)
- 7.2 (gaming)
HD 5770 (crossfire)
- 7.9 (windows aero)
- 7.5 (gaming)

Most of system shown that there's no different between Graphic (windows aero) and Gaming Graphic in single or crossfire mode, but mine was different. I don't really care about this thing, but it makes me curious. Anyone can help me explain it?
Since you are getting close to the higher end of the WEI scale, you may see little difference adding another GPU. Regardless, your scores are quite good as measured by WEI as it is. Enjoy!
With Crossfire enabled your system has a higher level of performance. Not unusual and not hard to explain. You simply have more horsepower and the WEI app recognizes that. Nothing to be concerned about. In fact, this is a good thing. Good luck!
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