I'm getting a DPC_WATCHDOG BSOD about 1 -2 times a day. I've had this problem since March.
After analysing my DMP files I found that the issue pointed to my GTX 1080 drivers. After changing my motherboard settings to only use the internal graphics the problem went away. So I know the issue has something to do with the GPU.
I have updated my Windows 10 serveral times over the months and I have installed over 10 different 1080 drivers using a tool (DDU) to do a clean removal each time. If this is purely a driver issue I have no idea how to resolve it.
There are other diagnostics I've done. I.e Memory checks, driver verifier but they also all pointed to the GPU so I haven't really mentioned them.
I'd extremely be greatful to anyone who could give me advice/ further diagnostics to do.
Windows 10 64bit
GPU: Nvidia 1080 GTX (Gigabyte)
RAM: 2x 16GB
CPU: Intel Core i5 Skylake @ 3.20GHz
After analysing my DMP files I found that the issue pointed to my GTX 1080 drivers. After changing my motherboard settings to only use the internal graphics the problem went away. So I know the issue has something to do with the GPU.
I have updated my Windows 10 serveral times over the months and I have installed over 10 different 1080 drivers using a tool (DDU) to do a clean removal each time. If this is purely a driver issue I have no idea how to resolve it.
There are other diagnostics I've done. I.e Memory checks, driver verifier but they also all pointed to the GPU so I haven't really mentioned them.
I'd extremely be greatful to anyone who could give me advice/ further diagnostics to do.
Windows 10 64bit
GPU: Nvidia 1080 GTX (Gigabyte)
RAM: 2x 16GB
CPU: Intel Core i5 Skylake @ 3.20GHz