Question Digitalocean care about warez download?

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Dec 1, 2022
Im going to buy a Digitalocean vps and use it as a vpn. I know DO care about DMCA, if i use torrent can shut down my VPS but im not use torrent. Just download warez movies from web sites, maybe file sharing site, download mp3...DO allow this or same reaction with torrenting?
In general DMCA has nothing to do with the method you are using to steal or misuse the data. They likely do not disallow torrent since many people get linux images that way. It is more things like RIAA that monitor stuff and send requests to have you blocked. They are very aggressive about it and monitor torrent more than other platforms but they can and do monitor some of the more common warez sites and even more popular file sharing sites like dropbox etc.

Not sure why you would not just be using a service that does not keep user data or is in countries where they can not place legal pressure on the VPN company.

In many ways you are lucky that all they do is get your account killed, they technically can come after you and take all your money.
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