childofthekorn :
Mousemonkey :
childofthekorn :
Mousemonkey :
bloodroses75 :
People forget to realize that both the Xbone and PS4 use AMD exclusive graphics, so Mantle still has it's place on those platforms. Also as mentioned by many people about the vast number of different graphic cards out there on PC, this isn't quite the case with tablets. Since going down to metal also improves battery life, I can see the DirectX iteration (at least) being focused more for the tablet market for those 2 reasons. The fact that is has been a booming market I'm sure helps as well. As with OpenGL, Apple does use that for their Macintosh computers, which has a limited list of video cards that they use.
It seems you are unaware of the articles where both MS and Sony have said that they're not going to use Mantle as they have their own API's.
Mantle was an after thought to bring the same potential of optimization to the PC for AMD hardware. Seeing the OpenGL and D3D weren't moving at a very fast pace to keep up. There was never an intention for Mantle to be on consoles.,24691.html
As you are well aware AMD's unique architecture was hindered by the readily available PC API's, as AMD's hardware is geared more for multithreaded applications. Mantle simply redirects the instruction sets to be handled by the GPU (as the majority of code is geared more for single threading, whereas AMD's hardware is tuned for heavily multithreaded applications). Where as the current API's are more geared for fewer threading applications. This is where Intel thrives seeing that they geared their processor to be far more general use, with an emphasis towards better thermal efficiency, benefit of superior leakage protection and far lower IPC.
Interestingly enough the FX-8320 (3.5 ghz as opposed to the 8350's 4.0Ghz) was able to compete with the I7-4770 in multithreaded application use, a hell of a lot closer than the single threaded performance, lol. Given their respective release dates and manufacturing process mind you.
Close to the metal API in general is a huge reason why Xbox360 and PS3 were able to survive so long on such aged hardware with very little negative impact on a games performance (I still remember drooling when Gears of War came out, lol).
Who is this post directed at? Me or bloodroses75?
That was directed at you.
So I was correct in thinking that you didn't want to let this rest in the PM's, which is contrary to this comment of yours! :lol:
childofthekorn :
I thought we took care of this drama during our private conversation. Why you had to drag it out here with that cute adage of it being my precious