Disable CHKDSK?



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

My computer tend to crash alot(that's not the problem here), and while I
reboot I don't often feel like sitting by the monitor and wait so I go
and do something else, but when I come back chkdsk is running through
my harddrives (5 of them) and it takes forever, is there a way to
disable chkdsk, or "reversing" it, so that instead of "Press any key to
abort" it would work as "Press a key to start scanning"? :)

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

chkdsk can be run manually from a script, and it can be suppressed on startup.
Open regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
On the right side look for (or create the dword value): AutoChkTimeOut
Double Click and set to 0 (zero) to disable.

set shell=createobject("wscript.shell") ' show a Yes No dialog
go=shell.popup "Run chkdsk on C: ?", 10, "chkdsk", 4
if go < 7 then ' if not "no", run it
shell.run "chkdsk C: /f ", true
end if
go=shell.popup "Run chkdsk on D: ?", 10, "chkdsk", 4
if go < 7 then
shell.run "chkdsk D: /f ", true
end if

Mark L. Ferguson (NOT an MS-MVP)
FAQ for MS Antispyware version 1.0.509
marfers notes for windows xp http://www.geocities.com/marfer_mvp/chatNotes.htm
"Hw2k" <Hw2k.1m5j1m@pcbanter.net> wrote in message news:Hw2k.1m5j1m@pcbanter.net...
> My computer tend to crash alot(that's not the problem here), and while I
> reboot I don't often feel like sitting by the monitor and wait so I go
> and do something else, but when I come back chkdsk is running through
> my harddrives (5 of them) and it takes forever, is there a way to
> disable chkdsk, or "reversing" it, so that instead of "Press any key to
> abort" it would work as "Press a key to start scanning"? :)
> --
> Hw2k