Disarm Net Threats


Aug 24, 2006
Profile Accounts for Windows XP doesnt prevent all threats from viruses and or spyware... and it leaves you with a system like Im on now... where you cant install nothing, without logging out and in as a administrator...

This is a great idea for thoose who have multiple people who are using the computer, and that dont understand what to do and not to do...

Unfortunately these profiles are not very user friendly... and it is really only used by people who have advanced knowledge of the OS...

BTW; This is another area where Windows has lagged behind Unix... and in this case, they are about 30 years late, and 5 yards short... But I love my windows machine, and I dont run Virus or Spyware scanners 24/7... in fact I will run them once in a long while and find that I dont have any threats... I use certain programs that warn me of changes to my system... I dont recommend it, because it often is very advanced (intercepts Registry changes) and without at least a basic understanding of the registry, it becomes impossible to use...
