Disconnect From Internet After Launching Games

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Jan 5, 2013
Hey, so I've had my gaming PC for about six months. It's currently running through a wireless connection which is a bit slow but works fine for web browsing and downloading Steam games and Origin games at around 1mb/s. However, for many of my games including Red Orchestra 2, Need For Speed Most Wanted, and Civilization 4 (Just to name a few), almost as soon as the game launches my PC disconnects from the internet. Sometimes my internet will stay on for like 10 minutes at most, but it always disconnects eventually for about half the games I own, maybe more.

When I quit the game, I see that my internet is not connected at all. Instead of showing zero bars on my wireless signal, it shows the ethernet connection symbol on the taskbar with the yellow exclamation point on it, signifying no internet connection. On Red Orchestra 2 specifically, I can not even get the server list up no matter how quickly I try to enter the multiplayer screen, so that is a game that disconnects me immediately.

This is a major problem considering I do mainly gaming on this PC and really want to play multi-player on games I payed good money for. This affects both Steam and Origin games. Examples of games that do not disconnect me are Saints Row The Third and Minecraft.

My wifi card is an Asus PCE-N15. Please help!
Have you tried updating the drivers?


Also, go into Power Options (press the windows key and type "power options") and select high performance as your profile.
Then go to Advanced settings, Wireless Adapter Settings, Power Saving Mode and choose Maximum Performance.

Finally, go into Device Manager, find your device, right click on it and choose Properties.
Go into the Power Management tab, and uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".

Write back here with the results!

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Have you tried updating the drivers?


Also, go into Power Options (press the windows key and type "power options") and select high performance as your profile.
Then go to Advanced settings, Wireless Adapter Settings, Power Saving Mode and choose Maximum Performance.

Finally, go into Device Manager, find your device, right click on it and choose Properties.
Go into the Power Management tab, and uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".

Write back here with the results!

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

I tried everything you said and the same issue occurs. I should also point out that I have an Xbox 360 and Wii U in the same room that work just fine via a wireless connection. When I installed the new wifi card drivers though, it did make web browsing speedier, so thanks for that. I'm testing it on Red Orchestra 2 because that game seems to always disconnect me immediately. Games like Civilization 5 often disconnect me, but once in a blue moon I'm able to stay connected while playing. Any more ideas?
Alright, can you set your router to give your computer a static LAN IP? If you need more help setting that up, visit www.portforward.com and follow the instructions for your specific router there.

Also, I did some research on your specific problem. I stumbled upon a thread which showed that the issue was caused by the firewall software (ZoneAlarm). Please try uninstalling your firewall and post back here. Here's the thread:


I'm beginning to think it's a software problem. If that doesn't work, the next step would be booting in diagnostic startup and checking for errors then. But before trying that, post back with your results.

I don't have any firewall software other than Windows Firewall. Any chance that could be causing the problem? Also I just bought the new Call of Juarez game on Steam and this game seems to have the same problem. I stay connected for 15-20 minutes and then the game shuts down my connection. As soon as I exit the game, I immediately reconnect. It doesn't even really load, it just instantly reconnects.

Edit: Tried disabling Windows Firewall, same error occurred. Also tried running the ASUS wifi software in the background, same error occurred. I desperately need a fix for this and no matter how much I search the web I can't find a solution. Does ANYONE know how to fix this?
Sorry for the delay.

Have you tried the following step?

Alright, can you set your router to give your computer a static LAN IP? If you need more help setting that up, visit www.portforward.com and follow the instructions for your specific router there.

Assuming you did, forward the ports for Civilization 5, for example. See if it still causes the issue. For instructions on how to set that up, check out www.portforward.com again.

If the issue still occurs, hit the Windows key and type msconfig, then hit enter.
Select diagnostic startup and hit apply and reboot.

Then, try your games again and see if the error still occurs.

Finally, can you please list your PCs specs?

Post back here with your results!

My PC Specs Are:
Sapphire Radeon 7870
1tb Seagate HDD @7200rpm w/ 32mb cache
60GB Kingston SSD
ASUS M5A99X EVO R2.0 Motherboard
8GB Ripjaws X RAM @1866mhz
Corsair HX750w PSU

Also I'm getting this PC's internet wired within the next couple days, so I'll try port forwarding after I get the internet wired, granted the problem still occurred. I should also note that when this happens, Windows does not even recognize the fact that there is a problem. There is no popup error window or anything. This problem seems to be related to game distribution platforms only, meaning Steam, Origin, and Uplay. (However Uplay doesn't have the problem) All standalone games will stay connected perfectly fine including Minecraft, Guncraft, and other games that are not part of a DRM platform.
Sorry to dig this old thread up, but was the issue ever solved? I've been having the same issues. My wireless connection will drop every time I launch a game, but come back on after I close it. I've tried updating drivers and forwarding ports, no luck.
I couldn't get any of the games to run in safe mode so I dont know if they disconnect me or not. However I could watch videos in the Steam market with the Autoplay Videos option turned on. Normally, when that option is turned on I get disconnected. Seems to work fine with autoplay turned off though. Does that tell you anything?
6Beers- I have yet to try a hard wire. The only reason I haven't yet is that the router is downstairs and across the house. As for the router's data limit, is there a way to modify it?
Alright. I finally broke down and brought my whole rig down to sit next to the router, and wouldn't you know it, the wireless worked fine. Apparently the signal was too weak where I was? I could run internet and online videos all day, but I guess the draw from the games and steam was too much. Thanks for all of your help anyway.

I had the same problem for months, I finally figured out that my power supply simply wasnt strong enough. Duringi high power drains, such as loading a massive program or a heavy load placed on your GPU, power is reallocated, causing temporary power outages to your wireless card. These temporary lapses aren't usually noticeable when browsing the internet, but when connected to a gaming server, its a nightmare.
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