Discussion regarding Colorado legalizing recreational use of marijuana Jan 1

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I don't think any of us are planning a move to Colorado so why don't we keep this on the results of what's actually legally happening there!

Try to stay on topic for once guys.

Personal opinions cross boundaries of what's legal to even talk about here at THGF, so keep it on Colorado's legalizing it, that's 100% factual news, mentioning other illegal drugs crosses lines, as Colorado has only legalized Marijuana!

Lets see what happens in Colorado with it's legalization of the Recreational sale of Marijuana, and not mentioning every other illegal drug on the planet!

This is one thread that definitely will end up closed if it does not stay on topic!

Currently living in Colorado. It's a definite science experiment over here at the moment. Currently the despenseries are selling Pot for 2-3x street prices, and people are paying out the nose premiums for the experience. As for the societal implications down here, I would say they are pretty minimal, yes every public event now smells like pot, the bar smoking sections outside are also a place to find these new herbal cigs, but nothing else has really changed on that front.
As for the taxes the new Ammendment 64 is bringing in: There are a TON of schools in DPS, LPS, etc planning for massive renovation projects. Given that a large percentage of the tax money goes to these educational establishments, they finally have the money to step up to the plate and deliver a quality education, hire new qualified teachers etc...
What remains to be seen is the impact on reported alcoholism, underage smoking (pot cigs), Pot related automobile accidents, and if there will be a reduction in alcohol related auto accidents because people are getting high instead.

As for everyone's worries about stoned drivers on the road, your Pizza Hut delivery driver makes it to your house every time you order right? Yes people will be stoned and on the road, however this is nowhere near the level of imparement that other drugs and alcohol brings to the table.
In fact that courteous driver who let you on the freeway earlier today was probably high on LSD, and that pizza delivery? Welll let's just say that Pizza grease is a great mask for Pot Smell... Just my 2 Cents...
Thats rather interesting, may I as how much does it cost per gram there?
regarding the young posession, I am not sure why the numbers are higher,maybe more people actually look for it?
Any information? here in Europe it is only legal in Holland, and I am rather interested how successfull will it be there
You are wrong pot has much more dangerous ingredients than alcohol. Ask any doctor that.
Sorry Marv, but you're loosing this argument. Did you know or realize that the level of THC in most brands of prescription medications for ashtma are higher than marijuana, street wise or state issued? As for marijuana causing someone to move to harder drugs? Really. Like anything else, it's a choice.

And for those whimpering about kids using...have you taken a look at who the street dealers are selling oxy, ecstasy and weed to lately? Believe me, it isn't the average 21+ year old.

We can't keep the blinders on people. If there's a will, there's a way. To be quite honest, I'd rather be on the freeway with Harry Hippy going 25 miles an hour because he's high on weed and paranoid than behind Leadfoot Larry going 80 high on meth or oxy thinking he's invincible.

You sound like those who championed the Temprance movement, which gave us prohibition, which; in turn, gave us an increase in organized crime. This led to an increase in the sales of harder chemical substances after alcohol was legalized.

Joe Bannana would be laughing at you right now.

I know, but I am looking for personal impression from Toms forum, as people with similar interest tend to like/dislike same thing, and I am not looking for a Hippys review, you know
I hope I am clear, I am looking for YOU impression, not for others

I understand that, but you need to realize this thread is on the fenceline of what is, and is not allowed, to discuss here at THF, so I seriously scrutinize the links I provide here, before actually doing it.

As an ex-moderator I know the rules, and do not want to step into territory I know full well should be discovered personally, so that's why I suggested Google, I am not trying to be offensive here.

That's also why I keep popping in with reminders to stay on Colorado where it's legally sold now, and stay away from discussing other illegal drugs.

I did find a price link, but there were other things on that same link I am not posting here.

You may find a clean link yourself and post it, right now I'm kinda too busy to mess with it, sorry.

I hope you understand. Ry

I had friends years ago who were on pot and than graduated to speed and even they started to mainline the bigH.
MJ is no more of a gateway drug than alcohol. By NOT being legal made it easier for minors to get and having to deal with the illegal hoodlum types. Saying it leads to harder drugs is silly. In Sweden where it's legal less youths use it compared to Germany's youths where it is illegal.
The attraction is being something illegal or bad.
Colorado will see some jackass do something stupid and his attorney will use the " he was high on pot" defense or some other crap. This will make national news and be nothing more than a fart in the wind over this debate of it's use. I am appalled at users now using butane to get the "wax" to make it even more concentrated...FRIGGEN IDIOTS!!!Those are ones with addictive personalities than need help and why it should be legal so the gov't can regulate and educate people. The illegal money needs to stop leaving this country by the truck load. Keep the cash in the US of A.

If you used pot then went to harder drugs then you have an addictive personality. If there was no pot you would have been doing something else to start up on. END OF STORY!

Personally I have not smoked pot in 20+ years and if they legalized in Florida I know I wouldn't try it. I'm drug and alcohol free by choice...MY FREEDOM AND MY CHOICE!!!
I tried this garbage years ago and it gave me exactly a zero high. This is sheer crap to put in your system.


If using your EBT card can buy you booze then why not?

Don't forget manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail...

Bail?!?! WTF!
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