Disk Read Error.


Oct 6, 2014
Hello guys,
So here is my problem.
3 days ago I made a fresh install of Windows 7 on my PC and everything was working fine. Now, however, I wake up and I cannot start my computer anymore because it gives 'a disk read error occured' and then does nothing. Btw, I bought Windows 7 online giving me a download of Windows 7 which I could then install, so I also don't have a repairdisc of any disc whatsoever.
My second problem is that I don't know much about computer so I appreciate any help given, but please talk to me like I'm an idiot.
The reason I don't simply go to a computerstore is because I moved to turkey a few months ago, and people here don't speak english. (And also my native tongue isn't english) so I basically have to figure this one out on my own.

Again, any help is appreciated.
A failed HDD means that as a worst case scenario you might loose all your data stored in your computer. As for an easy way to check if that is the problem, you can visit the hard drive manufacturers website and download any diagnostic software like Seatools in case of Seagate hard disks and run it. Since your windows is not booting you would need a bootable DOS version of the software to bypass the OS completely and check the HDD directly from the CD where you will need to burn the software.
A failed HDD means that as a worst case scenario you might loose all your data stored in your computer. As for an easy way to check if that is the problem, you can visit the hard drive manufacturers website and download any diagnostic software like Seatools in case of Seagate hard disks and run it. Since your windows is not booting you would need a bootable DOS version of the software to bypass the OS completely and check the HDD directly from the CD where you will need to burn the software.