Display Black Bar problem


Nov 12, 2013
Hello !

So that is a screen shot of my desktop .. I took a ss thinking my problem will show up there but it did not .

So whats happening is that I have a black bar at the bottom of my monitor ( where the task bar is ) and I cant see half of my taskbar .. I wanted to take a screenshot but for some reason on the screenshot the desktop shows up entirely .

I have a AOC monitor , I used its I- menu and re-sized and it made that bar half of what it was but now there is also a little bar on top of the screen ...its like this bars are hiding my screen cause I can click under them without any problem .

I tried playing around with my graphic card driver it did not solve the problem , tried playing with I menu of AOC to re-scale and change resolutions it did not work .
When I reboot and some image shows up , there are no problems it shows it all without any borders
Dont know what else to do , please help
Guys I solved it , After playing a lot more with the nvidia re-size settings and monitor s re-size settings I managed to re-balanced it

Anyway This community looks great im gonna stick around for a while .