Hi, I have a problem where some games (including Witcher 3) crash with a black screen using 352.86 and 353.06 driver and the only thing that shows up and functions is the taskbar. It always shows that the game is still running and if i try to open task manager to close the game and get rid of the black screen, the task manager in the taskbar shows up but the black screen covers it in the actual desktop so I can't use it. In the end i'm always forced to restart my computer to restore everything to normal. Sometimes I just get a frozen screen and then I could just alt+F4 back to desktop without having to restart, but without getting any errors. I also get "display driver crashed and has recovered" errors while watching Twitch on Google Chrome. I would try to reroll drivers but the thing is, I actually want to play the Witcher 3 and unfortunately these are the only 2 drivers that runs the game well. I always monitor temperatures and keep everything up to date so don't bother asking. Nothing is overclocked besides the CPU, but it has been overclocked for a very long time without any issues until recently, no temperature problems either. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver using Display Driver Uninstaller several times and it didn't help. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or is getting a similar issue?
current rig
i7 3770k @4.2ghz
MSI Z77a GD65 motherboard
gtx 980 4gb
Corsair Vengeance 8gb memory
Corsair TX850w PSU
current rig
i7 3770k @4.2ghz
MSI Z77a GD65 motherboard
gtx 980 4gb
Corsair Vengeance 8gb memory
Corsair TX850w PSU