Display Driver has stopped responding


Nov 19, 2014
Earlier Today, my screen went black for a few seconds and then an error popped up saying my display driver has stopped responding and has been recovered. after some googling i found a fix to go in the registry and add a new value so i did HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > ControlSet001 > Control > GraphicsDrivers, from there i added a new value (QWORD) and gave it a value of 8. After doing this i wasn't able to see if it fixed my problem because i immediately started getting another error that said "Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" from here i put the registry back to how it was and fixed that Error. Problem is i'm still getting the Display driver has stopped responding error. Any Ideas?
I'm using the latest driver, and will encounter that error a lot. What I've been doing is disabling hardware acceleration in chrome's settings while gaming.

It's a bit tedious at the moment, but the issue is being investigated by nvidia, etc. Is what it is... /sigh
So after fixing the problem for 7 days i got it again today. But right before the error occured i got a different error saying Application archeage.exe has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware. (archeage being the game i was playing)
I originally changed it to a value of 8, which fixed the problem for a week, then after it happened again today i changed the value to 0, because i read on another forum that changing the value to 0 completely disables TDR timeout.