Question Display loses signal after like 10 minutes ?

Feb 5, 2023
Hello, idk why but the other day my monitor started losing signal when playing some games. Weirdly enough, it takes like 10 minutes to lose signal, and it happens only in some games. I've played other games without any problems for hours, i tried even heavier games and weirdly enough that didn't happen. I have no idea if it's a driver update or windows update that causes that, or even a virus. I remember updating my drivers before that happened, i've even reinstalled my drivers 3 times already and nothing happens.
Only on games, for some reason only particular games. I tried lowering graphics everything. For some reason MW2 which is heavier, my monitor didn't lose signal at all. Also tested it on my tv which uses hdmi cable and the tv doesn't lose signal, it only loses signal if both the monitor and tv are connected, but when i pull out the monitor cable, the tv is fine.
i tried from the control panel and with the the ddu yes. Also, i tried to lower the graphics of the game, enabled v-sync, set everything to low and set it to borderless and the monitor had no problems. The thing is i've played these games before and that didn't happen, also note that those games tend to use like 80% of the GPU, even before it was using that much but that didn't happen, except for a few fps drops and that's it, and when i switched to my tv it was the same percent, but nothing happened. I feel like that VGA adapter is probably worn out.
Do you mean you were using an adpater?
yeah idk how is it called exactly, display port or adapter, on the site it says adapter. Like this but not from hama.