Display size does not fit Monitor Screen Fully. Please help.


Jan 14, 2014
*I am creating another thread because another question came to my mind and wasn't answered*

I have a ViewSonic VX2270-Smh LED Widescreen Full HD Monitor - http://www.viewsonic.com/us/vx2270smh-led.html

When I went to 'Screen Resolution', the MAX settings is 1920x1080. But on the monitor, I can see a huge gap.(Shown in picture)

How do I make the Display to fully fit it to the screen? (I heard that there are some risks involved?)

My GPU is Powercolor PCS+ HD7770 1GB - Using]http://www.powercolor.com/global/products_features.asp?id=400(Using HDMI port. More than enough for this screen)
If I understand you correct, it is just a normal everyday setting.

When you change your screen resolution, and the screen size, is too big, or too small, all you do is reset the controls on the front of the monitor.

Nothing unusual of dangerous in any way what so ever.

You can stretch, up or down, move the whole picture left or right.

There are several other setting, but stretch and move is what you want.

Usuall buttons on the front of the monitor, althou, I had one once that was a nob youturned.


What about this 'DownSampling' stuff? http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=36624 - Is that what I doing if that follow the steps that you mentioned?

Edit1: Forgot to add link.


I did that and it solved my problem. But will that have a NEGATIVE effect on my monitor or GPU because I made the display size bigger than the native resolution?

I pressed the monitor setting button and went to display options. But all the size,width of the display are blocked out and not selectable. Couldn't change the display size that way. (this monitor's setting is lousy) Thanks for the help though. Appreciate it.

However, I did the overscan thing and it worked. But do you know if making the display size bigger than the Native Resolution will spoil the monitor or GPU?


Thanks for the help guys! 😀


i've set to zero, in normal its fit the screen, but when i play games it get back to the small screen. any solution?

omg thank you. I used an old DVI port because HDMI had that weird not full screen issue. but when I opend amd control center i could just put it to full! I don't see the difference between DVI and HDMI but whatever 😉