R Rat123 Honorable May 6, 2015 217 2 10,695 Jul 13, 2018 #1 gonna buy a laptop soon, used to use a desktop computer. I know the distance to a laptop monitor is smaller than to a monitor of a desktop, so I'd like to know how to keep more distance from the laptop screen
gonna buy a laptop soon, used to use a desktop computer. I know the distance to a laptop monitor is smaller than to a monitor of a desktop, so I'd like to know how to keep more distance from the laptop screen
Z Ztdutxjgxgtu Respectable Nov 30, 2016 632 2 2,160 Jul 13, 2018 #2 Do you meam distance from eye to monitor? You can adjust font size, icons resolution in system settings.or connect to a seconery monitor Upvote 0 Downvote
Do you meam distance from eye to monitor? You can adjust font size, icons resolution in system settings.or connect to a seconery monitor