This string is good entertainment, I laughed several times! I'm sure the quality of delivery services varies by location, probably due to your local office or driver. UPS is vastly better than FedEx delivering to my office near downtown Houston. But they are about the same (both good) delivering to my house in the suburbs. NewEgg gives both as delivery options, which is good. I always check NewEgg first, and for certain items, I also check elsewhere. I usually choose to buy from NewEgg. Spent $340 on three items from NewEgg this week. I used to hate Christmas shopping, driving from store to store, fighting crowds, but ordering online is kind of fun. Unfortunately, my wife has gotten very good at it.
I own a small systems integrator shop and I can't afford mistakes nor can I afford late shipments. I make promises (reasonable promises) to my customers and I need the parts delivered on time.
I have purchased from for 3 years now. Most of that time Fed-Ex was the only way they'd ship. I used to get free shipping. One thing I noted over those 3 years was that Fed-Ex was always on time or early. There's no questioning that. I would order, get the tracking number, look at the day it was supposed to arrive and almost always get it a day or two earlier than the expected delivery date.
With UPS, when I began choosing them as the shipper, I would get a tracking number and watch the shipments. They would list a date of expected delivery and 2/3 of the time I used them they missed the date completely. I sent letters to and they credited back my shipping costs.
With Fed-Ex I received my orders in the morning, usually by 10am. With UPS I have been receiving them at 5pm. So, even though they may make the delivery they always deliver late in the day which, in the end, results in a day lost.
Of the most recent orders I have made UPS delivered to the wrong location and on one particularly important order they delivered to an empty office in the complex I'm at. I waited all day for the parts and at 5pm I saw that the tracking info said it had been delivered. When I went looking for it I found it outside left on the doorstep of an empty office. My store location is clearly marked with lots of parking.
When the Fed-Ex guys delivered they say hello, talk abit about how I'm doing and wish me a nice day. The UPS guys are almost always late, almost always leave the package instead of delivering it, and even though they could deliver early they never do.
As for the prices and inconsistencies on the zipzoomfly site. Those are indisputable facts. You can go there and see the mistakes. On top of that you can see that the selection is limited and you can see that anyone looking for the best selection for the best prices and shipping wins.
I would not have listed these issues if I had not seen them myself and I would not have stated the issues I had with shipping if I had not had them. I'm a businessman, and not some kid buying something that I can afford to wait a day or two longer to get because shipping is late or intentionally held off.
At I have the choice of Fed-ex or UPS. It is a matter of who does more and has the better selection and who can get it to me on time. Of the 2 times that was late shipping via UPS I had my shipping expenses credited back.
Considering the attitude in your post this tells me not to consider zipzoomfly at this time.
I hope everything isn't entertainment to you and that you don't laugh at everyone and everything. You're going to have problems making friends and influencing people.