[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Interesting, throughout your whole tirade you never said if you enjoyed it or not, either you didn't enjoy it and forgot to say or you did enjoy it but are not saying so to try and be cool with the others who hate it. Far as I'm concerned games are NOT a democracy, I played it and liked it, if I'm the only one from millions who did then tough titty for you all, I had fun and in the end that's all that matters.All I want now is for Gearbox to pump out 3 DLC packs the same way they did with Borderlands and then get to work on Duke 5.[/citation]
Woah, someone's got a chip on their shoulder. My 'tirade', I'm 'trying to be cool' by saying it's not the best game in the world??
It's an ok game but that's it. I can't see myself playing through it again even though I played through the original Duke3D probably near on a hundred times. I never said it was terrible, just that it has many issues and is incredibly short. A full priced game shouldn't be over in 8 hours, no matter how good it is.
Duke is awesome as always with great one liners.
Makes you feel like a teenager again getting excited with the strip club part.
Nostalgic feel throughout as you remember the countless hours spent on the original.
Pretty good looking and not too demanding on GPUs - should scale well.
Old and at times frustrating game mechanics.
Easy to get lost at times, especially when shrunk.
Frequent crashes with ATI/AMD graphics cards.
Only two weapons at a time - since when was Duke realistic?
You die far too easily on easy mode compared to other games and original Duke 3D.
Far too short - especially for the money. Equivalent in length to about one episode from Duke 3D.
Not enough variance in level zones, the places you do go to are drawn out and repetitive.
All in all apart from being *far* too short, it's not bad. I'd give it 60%. However, if it didn't have the Duke Nukem brand and characters then it'd be 40%.