Question DNS-323 - Can't Map Drive


Jul 4, 2012
I have a DLink DNS 323 used as a storage device for my W10 PC
Today I went to use it and the 2 mapped drives were missing.
Tried using D-Link 'Easy Search' utility, it finds the 323, along with IP data but when I click on a volume to Map, it fails with error "Failed to Map Drive"
Last time I had this issue was given a solution to force mapping with: Net use Y: \\MachineName\ShareName

I tried today and get error 67

C:\>Net use Y:\\DLINK-EAB58D\Volume_1
System error 67 has occurred.

The network name cannot be found.
Can you surf to the IP address you set the machine as to see what its own utility shows ?

I had one of these some years back. It was quite the reliable unit. The only shortcoming really was the 2TB limit.
I know it isn't particularly helpful in this situation to say that since I updated to W11 on most of my home use machines that I have had off and on issues with drive mapping, but not access where I knew the proper "hash" to get there. Even in my own case with the Synology that I replaced my 323 with, the access on two of three of my machines is a "network location", not a mapped drive. IDK why but those other two machines will throw various errors stating the location doesn't exist, or isn't accessible...even when I have it open in File Explorer at the same time.

I wish I could be more help. I can (blunt object) my way through some networking stuff, but to tell someone else exactly what I did and how would be much like teaching you to fly. I know just enough to be dangerous to myself and that is about the extent of it.
Update .... it was a typo error in mappong CMD

C:\Users\Rick>Net use y: \\DLINK-EAB58D\Volume_1
The command completed successfully.

However the mapped drives no not appear in 'my computer'
In CMD screen I can select them and use dir to list contents

So issue is not mapping correctly
I have never used powershell, opened up a screen and typed in cmdlets. as you listed them.


PS C:\Users\Rick> Get-Disk
Get-Disk : Invalid property
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Disk
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (MSFT_Disk:ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_Disk) [Get-Disk], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041031,Get-Disk

PS C:\Users\Rick> Get-PhysicalDisk
Exception calling "MoveNext" with "0" argument(s): "Invalid property "
At C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Storage\StorageScripts.psm1:2646 char:20
+ while ($enumerator.MoveNext())
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: :)) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CimException

PS C:\Users\Rick> Get-Partition
Get-Partition : Invalid property
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Partition
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (MSFT_Partition:ROOT/Microsoft/.../MSFT_Partition) [Get-Partition], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041031,Get-Partition
what is mentioned above is for that invalid property when powershell cant use wmi

that wont solve your network mapping issue

code 67 from net command means incorrect adress

that C:\>Net use Y:\\DLINK-EAB58D\Volume_1 is missing space after Y:
should be
C:\>Net use Y: \\DLINK-EAB58D\Volume_1

if it still wont work and you sure that machine name and volume name are correct, then you have most likely have issue with NAT

edit: just noticed you have already noticed missing space

soo it can be mapped with net use, but explorer wont show it up huh, thats somewhat quite normal as explorer is a bit sluggish

try with this command:
Net use Y: \\DLINK-EAB58D\Volume_1 /PERSISTENT:YES
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found this gem:
Mapped network drives created by an elevated process will not be visible to an unelevated process and vice versa. This has been the case since Windows Vista. Since Explorer doesn't run elevated (unless you fully disable UAC), it doesn't see the drives you made with your administrative command prompt.
To disable that isolation, you can modify the Registry, as instructed by this TechNet article. Navigate to this key:

Create a DWORD entry named EnableLinkedConnections with a value of 1. Reboot the computer. Network drives mapped by the same user, even under different security contexts, will always appear to programs running as that user.
Finally resolved
I contacted Microsoft support - no use
I then contacted Malwarebytes support, they gave me some tools to run to gather data, it gathered a lot took ages to complete, they then advised there was some corruption and provided a fix tool and a specific Fixfile of instructions the tool used. (hundreds of lines of scripts)
I run tool, took nearly and Hr and the Mapped drives popped back up in My Computer
(resolved all in space of a couple of Hrs - so amazing support from Malwarebytes)
Still nothing showing in 'status' column of 'Net Use' table .... so that must be a red herring.