[SOLVED] Do fans change rpm automatically?

Dec 17, 2018
I just bought some Corsair PWM fans and I do not a hav a lighting node pro or a commander pro meaning that I can’t control the rpm of the fans via the Corsair link software so will the fans automatically change rpm depending on the temps of my components as they r connected to the motherboard??

Well, the fans won't do that by themselves. but the mobo fan headers are designed to do that job. More specifically, the mobo normally has at least two different groups of fan headers. There is at least one header called CPU_FAN which powers and controls the fan used for cooling the CPU chip, based on a temperature sensor inside the CPU chip. There normally are several headers called SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN, and these are intended to power and control fans for case ventilation. You need to check the configuration details for these in BIOS Setup. For each such header often you have a choice of whether it uses the older Voltage Control Mode (aka DC Mode) or the newer PWM Mode to control fan speed. For 4-pin fans, use the PWM Mode. Many such...
Well, the fans won't do that by themselves. but the mobo fan headers are designed to do that job. More specifically, the mobo normally has at least two different groups of fan headers. There is at least one header called CPU_FAN which powers and controls the fan used for cooling the CPU chip, based on a temperature sensor inside the CPU chip. There normally are several headers called SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN, and these are intended to power and control fans for case ventilation. You need to check the configuration details for these in BIOS Setup. For each such header often you have a choice of whether it uses the older Voltage Control Mode (aka DC Mode) or the newer PWM Mode to control fan speed. For 4-pin fans, use the PWM Mode. Many such headers also allow you to choose which temperature sensor is used to guide these fans' speeds. The choices MAY include the sensor inside the CPU (NOT suited for case ventilation), one built into the mobo (DO use this for your case fans), and sometimes one or more special sensors on particular mobo components if you have a need to give them special attention. The options usually also include settings to maximize fan speed, to run at a fixed slower speed, to run under automatic temperature-based speed control pre-programmed into the mobo (that is usually the best choice), or to create your own custom control strategy.

In addition to using settings available in BIOS Setup for your fans, often the mobo comes with a CD of utilities that includes one that can run under Windows as an application and lets you observe the fan operations and temperatures, and adjust many of these configuration items while actually running Windows, rather than just in the off-line BIOS Setup way. So you certainly CAN have full control of your fans' speeds without the Corsair utilities and hardware add-ons.

Much appreciated
But I wanted ask that is it ok if I run my pc along with my fans on for the entire night? And will speed fan allow me to control the rpm without the node pro or the commander pro?

I would really appreciate it if u could help me with this
Yes, you can run your machine for a long time. As far as cooling goes, the automatic fan control systems constantly check temperatures and adjust fans accordingly. IF you simply want not to turn off your machine but NOT use it at night (idle), check into the Windows feature to use Stand By. It is an alternative to a full shut-down available as another option when you start to shut down. If you choose that, Windows stores a complete copy of its current state in RAM in a hard drive file and mostly (but not completely) shuts down. Later when you hit a key on the keyboard it wars up, re-loads that RAM image, and starts up VERY quickly.

When you use Corsair's Commander Pro or Node Pro, they must have a cable connection to a mobo USB2 port. Then you must load Corsair's software tool iCue and use that to control the Corsair lighting and cooling units you have connected to those hardware boxes. I doubt that Speedfan can do that job. But Speedfan IS designed to allow you to control devices connected directly to mobo headers (not to Corsair boxes). Remember, though, to look at the free Windows utility that is on the CD that came with your mobo and see if that suits your needs.

thank you very much
but it seems as though i have run into a another problem it is that only have one fan header on my motherboard and im currently using a fan spliter which acts like a usb hub and splits it into 5 more ports, currently 4 of them r filled but none of the fans r being detected which makes the fan run at the standard 1600 rpm and i cant even put it into pwm mode in the bios. I so i want to know what im doing wring to make them detected.

thx again
Please post back with some details I'll need.

1. What mobo - maker and exact model number.
2. What Hub - maker and model number.
3. How many fans, and their maker and model numbers.

I am assuming that all the fans we are talking about are case ventilation fans, and the cooler system for the CPU chip is NOT part of this discussion.