Question Do i need a full upgrade or what i have will do for the minor upgrades?

Jun 13, 2019

I am a noob when it comes to computer hardware. Please don't take it otherwise if my post seems funny. My aim is to be able to play the popular pc games that came out till 2019.

I have the following specification on my existing pc:

Motherboard: Asus H81M-P
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Ram: 4GB DDR3 1600bus
Power supply unit: Thermaltake 530w bronze
Monitor Resolution: 1366 x 768

I plan to install a RX570 8gb ddr5 gpu unit(gigabyte or xfx not sure though) and increase ram capacity to 12gb(4gb+8gb). I might also add an SSD of 128GB.

My question is, will the motherboard I have(H81M-P) will support the given new gpu,ram, and storage unit?

Do I need to upgrade anything else ? my overall budget is $300 at most.

Please help me out!
"My question is, will the motherboard I have(H81M-P) will support the given new gpu,ram, and storage unit? "
Just make sure your PSU has an available power plug for the 570.
I think I've read where some 570s need a 6 pin and some an 8 pin plug.....and maybe there are make sure you know what plug you need for the 570 you buy.
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You can get the RX 570, but get a new (or used) RAM kit of 2x8GB DDR3 1600 and don't use your 4GB stick. Don't mix and match your RAM because it might not work and also 8GB + 4GB will only run 8GB of that in dual-channel and the remaining 4GB would be single-channel. That could hurt performance.
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Thanks guys!!! your suggestions helped me a lot!!

these are the components I have finally decided to buy!
is it okay? or do i need to change anything?