Do I need a headphone amplifier?

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Dec 20, 2015
I have a SoundBlaster Zx and Superlux HD681 Evo. I want to improve the audio quality. Is a headphone amplifier recommended (Schiit Magni 2)? Or, because I already have the soundcard, I won't feel any difference?
I would think there would be no improvement and that your next step should be to upgrade your headphones. The Magni will be able to drive them louder since it is a more capable headphone amplifier, however there should be a marginal, if any, difference in sound quality.

Why do you feel the need to upgrade your audio quality, is it a matter of higher fidelity audio or is there a distinctive problem with your current audio?

No, it's just for a higher audio fidelity. So, I think I'll let as it is now and I'll upgrade the headphones in the future.
And... I also need some speakers: what about Edifier R1280T+Empire SW2?
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