I want to build a PC that's above average but doesn't include the insanely-high-priced-newly-released-high-tech-****. If my PC runs at 80% speed/perfirnabce of the best PC but costs 80% less then I'm very satisfied.
Alright, so I want a Motherboard and I've been searching I found the GIGABYTE and ASUS versions of P35. Do I need that? I will list what I'm planning to build.
1. A Core 2 Duo 2.66 Processor
2. GeForce 8800GT 512(but I can't find one!!)
3. DDR2 800mgz Ram
4. OCZ PSU 850w
I will run a Windows XP Pro OS
Which motherboard would be good for this build?
I want to build a PC that's above average but doesn't include the insanely-high-priced-newly-released-high-tech-****. If my PC runs at 80% speed/perfirnabce of the best PC but costs 80% less then I'm very satisfied.
Alright, so I want a Motherboard and I've been searching I found the GIGABYTE and ASUS versions of P35. Do I need that? I will list what I'm planning to build.
1. A Core 2 Duo 2.66 Processor
2. GeForce 8800GT 512(but I can't find one!!)
3. DDR2 800mgz Ram
4. OCZ PSU 850w
I will run a Windows XP Pro OS
Which motherboard would be good for this build?