Do i need more power for this build?

I have this exact one.


Hey dude,

1. I know, i just really wanted the extra 0.3GHz for £20, im currently on 3.2 and it makes no sense in buying a 3.5 (0.3) increase when i can pay £20 more and get double that. I might OC in the future though and ill get a new motherboard 😀

2. Why would i buy those when i already have a 600w one of the same brand?

3. Yeah i hope to one day when i have the money haha.

Many thanks!
well if you get a new motherboard you also need a new window license might get some driver issues so keep that in mind.

second, for the psu its about the build quality and voltage stability, i guess you've got a corsair cx600, not the most stable unit but will work.

any questions left?:), might swell get the non k chip.

I heard that you can deactivate your OS and then reactivate it if you contact Microsoft and explain you are changing motherboard? Or alternatively as this thread here.

And the price difference between non k chip and k chip is only £20 more, doesnt it make more sense to pay that £20 and get the extra 0.3ghz for it? Thats therefore double the upgrade for the price of £20 and i can OC it in the future if i planned on getting a diff motherboard.