Do Nvidia GPUs go well with AMD CPUs?



I was just wondering because I'm building a gaming PC. I saw a video and our man said that AMD processors are better for JUST GAMING, and not to get Intel if you don't do any business. He also said that AMD Gpus go well with AMD CPUs.

The thing is, a few of the games I play/will play do use Physx. And Physx is a sexy feature. With the 990FX chipset, I can also use SLI.

I want to use the computer for nothing but browsing, youtubing and gaming, and a little bit of microsoft office. Here are my planned specs:

Nvidia GTX 560 SLI OR AMD Radeon 6850 in Crossfire
Bulldozer 8150 when it comes out
8GB DDR3 ram
2TB Hitachi Coolspin 7200 rpm (for storage)
80GB ssd for windows 7 boot data.
24 inch Asus monitor
Crosshair V motherboard
And all the other stuff (optical drives, speakers, mices etc.)

PS: Since I'm a PC n00b, I don't want to overclock.

Thanks in advance! :wahoo:


why not just go for an intel sandy bridge build?

A. Bulldozer FX processors will hit us in a month, with more cores, higher clock speeds and less ££s than Intel processors.
B. I have experience with AMD Processors
C. I have heard that Intel is also business aimed - while AMD I've heard is better for people who use their PC as a gaming system



the bulldozer lineup will likely be similar in performance to the current sandy bridge series, the 2500K is currently the best gaming processor around (beats the 1100T in everything).

It'll 3.5ghz, 8 core and be around £20 more than the i5 2500k.

Anyway, I'm sorry, but can we please stay on topic?


Who knows?

Bulldozer could be really awesome. Could be. I already got myself an AM3+ mobo.

Anyhow, AMD GPUs only go better with AMD chipsets in the lower end and with surrondview.

Surrondview is when you enable the chipset's AMD IGP and pair it up with the discrete AMD GPU output wise for more monitor support.

The feature for low end Chipst+GPU combos is Hybrid Crossfire, when an IGP and low-end discrete AMD GPU talk to increase fps.

For you, there is no benefit in sticking to AMD to GPUs.

Not anymore benefit than you would get from making a Intel /AMD rig or AMD/Nvidia.

Plain and simple muffins.
A. Bulldozer FX processors will hit us in a month, with more cores, higher clock speeds and less ££s than Intel processors.
B. I have experience with AMD Processors
C. I have heard that Intel is also business aimed - while AMD I've heard is better for people who use their PC as a gaming system

A. I would wait for some benchmarks before deciding to go with Bulldozer or Intel's current CPUs. The vast majority of games only use two cores. There are some games that use 3 core, and there are a few games that use 4 cores. However, the increase in performance from 3 core to 4 core is pretty small in general. Going for a CPU with more than 4 cores will not improve game performance since they will not be used.

B. Prior experience doesn't really matter since building an AMD or Intel PC requires the same steps.

C. Intel CPUs performs better than AMD CPUs in games as well. A dual core Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1GHz outperforms a quad core AMD Phenom II X4 980 BE @ 3.7GHz See below link for benchmarks:



Like the comment above said, I'll wait for some benchmarks. Thats some valuable information though.