Do these to processors swap out?


Dec 27, 2007
What i have now is Dell Inspiron 530S- Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500@ 2.2 GHz.
What i want is...Update Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Conroe 2.66GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor Model BX80557E6750 - Retail
Model #: BX80557E6750.

Will these two switch without a hitch?
If your BIOS supports the E6750 the switch out will be without a hitch. Unless someone has done the exact switch and confirms the swap, you can check with Dell for BIOS revision and which processors are supported by which BIOS.
This crap is getting frustrating!!! I know about as much as a 3rd grader about this stuff. I will contact Dell, but can anybody recommend a processor for this swap? I just want to upgrade to something a little faster.
They will just tell you it will void your warranty (unless you buy it from them, ship your case to them, and have them do it...might as well start over for that cost). Besides, most Dell's I have seen have that giant aluminum heatsink sitting on the CPU with that cheap fan that blows air into the case. It might do a decent job of cooling it, but your board and BIOS might not play nice with a new chip without 'help' from Dell.

It would be interesting to see how well that swap will do with a Dell...theoretically, it should work granted the board/BIOS support the chip.

This is why most of us promote DIY PC building...knowledge, power, and stickin' it the the, wait...not buying a Dell...
Also, I doubt a CPU upgrade will do you much.
The CPU you have there now is already fairly decent.

If I had to guess, you are having issues gaming, and that will be your Graphics and not your CPU.

I had a dell back in like 95.
Man did I end up hating that thing.

Everything was proprietary. Even the windows Version.
Why they do that crap is just beyond me.

Good luck with the swap. I would think that since the chip is similar it has a better chance of working.
If not you have the first part of your new system~!

What is that?

BTW, I do happen to like this Dell. It isn't too bad. I just thought for about $180 i could squeeze some more out of it.

Thanks for the replies!

I liked my Dell too, until I wanted to change something.
Actually I would suggest buying a new motherboard instead.. then you could pick out a good one and just overclock the e4500 to 3+ Ghz. Overall I think this would be the better way to go. Especially knowing the crap they typically use for MB's..
Your old processor has an older/slower FSB (200MHz front side bus) than the new one (333MHz). I think it's unlikely that it will swap directly in properly, unless, as the second poster mentioned, there's a BIOS upgrade available from Dell. You might want to post the model number of the Dell unit, if you want input on that. What I think is more likely is that you plop in the new processor, and it actually runs slower (like 1.6GHz instead of the 2.66GHz that you might expect).

What type of applications are you trying to squeeze more performance from? If it's games, an upgraded graphics card will have much bigger impact. How much memory do you have, and what OS are you using? More memory can make a big difference, if you don't have enough. If you've already got more memory than you're using (i.e. 2GB of RAM in XP is usually enough for most people, but 1GB may not be), it won't make a difference.


For a different perspective, I had a Dell in 98 and I loved it. I upgraded it regularly without any trouble at all until new tech finally went beyond its ability to accept upgrades. Even given that, it continued to work until I gave it to an old girlfriend years ago. Then her daughter downloaded a bunch of viruses and killed it. I suppose I could have reloaded the OS and started over, but it was so old it wasn't worth the time.

first of all.... you are right, our knowledge is greater than theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i think) and i think that we can build cheaper computers with no heat issues at all =] :sol:

It is a Dell Inspiron 530S running Windows Vista Home Premium. I have 3 GB Ram. I just bought this computer from Dell a month ago!