Do they make the 9800 gx2 anymore?


Jan 17, 2009
i buyed one of these at the end of 2008 and now im looking to buy a second one to run quad SLI. but it seems that no one sells or makes them any more.......... is this true?

Can some one direct me to a site that might sell them for a good price or can some one give me some advice for a better solution with other SLI cards? i have a budget of 250-300 dollars
There are not manufactured anymore. You might be able to find one at a store that carries older stock, or on eBay.

In order to upgrade your performance you would have to look at something like a 4870x2, gtx 295, or a nicely overclocked 285/4890.

You really wouldn't be able to get much increase in performance within your budget, just wait until the next generation of cards comes out.
To be fair, the GX2 is still a good card for around $199 or so. Problem is they never fell to that price, and simply aren't competitive in the marketplace.

The only reasonable upgrade from a GX2 would be a 285GTX+, which makes little sense with the next generation of cards just a few months out. Best bet would be to wait for the next gen, and upgrade (or buy another GX2 off ebay on the cheap) then.
One thing to remember is... there are currently no driver softwares available supporting Quads(in case of 9800GX2, i heard nVidia cancelled it) in action.. so what could you expect on games...

300 dollars?, thats a kick in the balls man LOL!

this is so unfortunate i really liked my card {🙁

..................... ooooh well upgrade time is happy time, i think ill save up some money and get 2 or 3 newer cards like the gtx 295 or something like that