Do you think this is a MB error?

Jul 15, 2018
Ihave a Win 10 box that crashes (mainly when performing high CPU load tasks such as handbrake conversions).

The system cuts out suddenly, then reboots, then cuts out after aprox 2-3 seconds in a loop. If I leave it for a while then it seems ok until handbrake is used again.

Build: H97M Pro MB, i7 4790, EVGA 650 P2 PSU, GTX 970, couple of SSDs, 3 HDD.

It started on a hot day, and now occurs mainly when using handbrake.

The motherboard temp never reaches 40C, the CPU cores never over 50 C at 100% (could be 60C, though).

Removing the video card had no effect.

I changed the PSU to an older one (corsair 400W bronze CX430M), and the computer seemed to work ok, so I switched it back to the EVGA and it cut off again on handbrake.
Switched back to theCOrsair and then on turning on it lights up for 0.5 seconds then stops.

Going back to the EVGA it turns on normally, loads indows, but still crashes on handbrake

I tested both PSUs using the MB cable tester and they run. Disconnected teh video card and most of the drives and it still happened using handbrake.

I'd say the chances that both PSUs hae failed would be low.

Why would the Corsair work normally, then not boot the computer (turns on for 0.5sec).

Have tested all connections. Have cleaned out all dust. Turned off the bios MB overheating option.

I'm using the EVGA PSU now and it's working well, but if I use handbrake again it will crash.

Any advice would be great, as I'd prefer not to buy another PSU. If it's the MB I'm considering upgrading the whole system to a new generation PSU.

Logically, it sounds as though it is overheating when using all the cores, but the temps don't rise that high, and I don't understand why the previously working Corsair now can't dire up the system (but works when tested).

Just upgraded the BIOS, things were working well, browsing the internet, started handbrake and the system cut out after less than a minute, rebotted to the windows login screen, cut out again, rebooted, cut out again, now back in win10.

Temperatures of cores and MB and everything else is less than 50C.