Does Amazon fire 7 5th generation take MicroSD?

Hey there, Componentgirl90.

From what I was able to find out, there's no such model. The 5th gen seems to be only 8" and 10" versions, but external storage support is available according to this page:

If you want to be completely sure I'd suggest that you check the manual for the device or get in touch with its manufacturer's customer support. However the supported cards are not microSD, you should look for a microSDXC card.

Hope that helps.
It depends on the card slot. If the external storage option is indeed microSDXC then you'd need a microSDXC and not a cicroSDHC card.

I'd strongly recommend that you contact the manufacturer's customer support in order to find out the exact requirements for the memory card's type and size before you order one. :)

This card states it is compatible with the new 5th Generation Amazon Fire 7. It is a SDHC card. I assume that this means all SDHC cards are compatible.

I found this information regarding compatibility between the different standards (

"This would now mean that micro SD cards are compatible with SD, SDHC and SDXC host products. For micro SDHC cards, they are not compatible with SD host products but are compatible with SDXC and SDHC products. Lastly, micro SDXC cards are exclusively compatible with SDXC host products. "

BTW I took a look at the wikipedia article and that information is not current. It is missing the 7 inch model from the list.

Many thanks for your help on this matter.