Question Does Audio DPC latency affect gaming performance


Jun 29, 2011
I having Dell G5 with I5 8300G,16GB RAM and GTX 1060 max q overclocked to 1800mhz. The problem is that even with the latest BIOS update the DPC latency on latcncymon is showing red bars. Does this affect gaming FPS performance?
high dpc is driver related
anyway, see task manager, if u see high cpu usage on system interrupts, if its high, then it can affect your ingame fps

The cause of DPC latency is from ACPI.sys. but i cannot exactly figure out how much CPU usage is increased but one thing is that when every the wifi card usage goes up the CPU usage also goes up and the DPC latency is increased.

Here is execution stats

Index Group, # Interrupt cycle time (s) ISR count DPC count Highest ISR execution (ms) Highest DPC execution (ms) Driver with highest execution
CPU 0 0, 0 15.206735 12820 543339 0.270773 1.972833 ACPI.sys
CPU 1 0, 1 18.079528 413 3107 0.104755 0.360877 ntoskrnl.exe
CPU 2 0, 2 8.564728 0 3543 0.0 0.461352 tcpip.sys
CPU 3 0, 3 8.574224 0 197 0.0 0.089558 tcpip.sys
CPU 4 0, 4 7.035328 0 6747 0.0 0.25420 tcpip.sys
CPU 5 0, 5 18.565074 0 445 0.0 0.081087 tcpip.sys
CPU 6 0, 6 13.195854 0 493 0.0 0.262324 tcpip.sys
CPU 7 0, 7 17.771664 0 269 0.0 0.139491 tcpip.sys
high dpc from acpi.sys isnt anything unusual on notebooks
compare intel chipset drivers vs OEM provided drivers, if u get any better result
see your power profile, try high performance mode
try windows clean boot (without preinstalled bloatware/monitoring tools provided by your OEM)
which Intel driver should i try instead of OEM drive, apart from BIOS and Audio i did not download anything from Dell, its windows updates which automatically installs the drivers. The driver you are talking about seems to be intel dynamic platform and thermal management framework