Does it matter what slots I use for RAM?


Dec 27, 2014
Hi, I got a new computer with a Asrock z97 Anniversary mobo, I put my RAM in slots A2 and B2, does it matter?

Will it have any performance decreases or problems if I use these slots instead of A1 and B1. I would prefer not to move it as otherwise my CPU cooler will not fit.
The way you mounted them is the recommended way.
If you only have 2 sticks and 4 slots on the mobo, you should use the 2`nd slot from the CPU socket, and the 4`th.

Hi, what would happen if I put them in the wrong slots? Would the PC boot up and show it as dual channel. I booted up fine and it detects it as DDR3-1600 but in system viewer it says it is running at 800mhz. Is this normal?


You might need to enable the XMP profile in Bios in order for the RAM to run at full speed.
Also, if you set them in the other slots there will not be any problem, but you will have less air circulating between the 1st RAM stick and the cooler, which translates in a bit higher temps.

I've heard it before, but my cooler keeps me from using the 2nd slot. So does it really that matter if I use 3rd and 4th slot from CPU?