Does max ram of motherboard also count vid card mem.


Jun 4, 2009
Im looking at getting the EVGA x58 SLI LE motherboard, which supports a maximum of 12GB of ram. Does this number include the ram Plus the video card's dedicated Vram? For example, If I were to use 12gb of ram, and a GTX 295 CO-OP edition with 1789MB of VRAM, would the Motherboard Recognize and use all of it? Or does the max include Dedicated VRAM and regular system Ram?
Thanks for any help.
The total RAM on the mobo doesnt include the RAM on the graphics card...

Only the OS makes such a calculation...But if you have a 64-bit OS, then you dont have to worry about that also as it would support so much more (2^64 or 16.8 million TB)...

But if you have a 32-bit OS, then the MAX is 4GB total...

Yeah, I plan on using the 64bit. But with the mobo seeing all 12gb of ram, would it still see the vram on the Video card itself. I guess that was my real question, I didn't explain it well enough. Thanks for your reply tho
The total RAM on the mobo doesnt include the RAM on the graphics card...

Only the OS makes such a calculation...But if you have a 64-bit OS, then you dont have to worry about that also as it would support so much more (2^64 or 16.8 million TB)...

But if you have a 32-bit OS, then the MAX is 4GB total...