Does non overclocking CPUs needs nice cooler like overclocking CPUs too?


Aug 2, 2015
Does non overclocking CPUs also needs nice cooler like overclocking CPUs ?

what about i5 4590 ?
Depends. I have had CPU's overhead and cause the system to do a safety shutdown because the case i had didn't have sufficient airflow. best advice monitor the sound of the cpu fan, if it occasionally revs to really high rpms it is running to hot.

You can use a tool to monitor the CPU temperature and to load it. To load it, i recommend Intel Burn Test or Prime95 and Real temp to monitor temps

No it doesn't NEED it. But it is more silent and keeps it cooler. If your roomtemperature is high, having the CPU on max-load might come close to maximum operating temperature for long operation, meaning that the lifespan of the CPU might decrease. But note we're nitpicking here.

I would recommend to buy an aftermarket cooler. It's way more silent than the boxed (read: came with CPU) cooler if you buy a decent one. It's not that expensive.

I myself have an i5 4590, and use a TX3-Evo cooler. Not expensive, easy to install, and keeps my CPU at 55 degrees max. Once, when it was 30+ degrees (celcius) in the room, it went up to 57 for a little bit, no biggie. It's quieter than the casefans.

Not really, although getting a good heatsink (cooler) for your CPU wouldn't hurt. Some people would say it's a waste of money but in fact keeping the CPU cooler will actually help make it last longer. The reason being CPU's can get hot and if they are hot all the time this can shorten their life span! If you ever do get a heatsink I recommend the cooler master evo 212.
Depends on your CPU and what you use your PC for. My AMD Phenom 965 BE temps skyrocketed to 75c degrees on the stock cooler at stock speeds when gaming. I installed a hyper 212 Evo and now they sit around 45c at load. The old CPU's are less efficient and put off a lot of heat. Newer CPU's tend to be more forgiving. If you are unsure, you can always download monitoring software like HWmonitor and see what your temps are like. But honestly, for how cheap a decent aftermarket air cooler is, it isn't a bad upgrade to just make anyways.
if ur not overclocking it so this is your answer

if u building your pc for gaming then u dont need any aftermarket cooler

but if u building a pc for animation, video rendering or video editing then u need a aftermarket cooler

That's the basics but it's a bit more than that.

Different CPU's have higher GHz and clock speeds just on standard. E.g. the AMD fx8350 has higher GHz and produces a lot more heat and the stock cooler that comes with it is rubbish at keeping it cool and that just on idle.

it also depends on cpu wattage, sorry i forgot to mention

hello eldud. it depends upon your pc if u have really good temps like 20-40c then it is not required if you are above 45 or 50c then it is required for a better cooling systems which allows to reduce temps and lags in games. i hope that it helps you.:)