Question Does not boot until get in and out of BIOS


Jul 31, 2017
Hello guys, I need your help on something.

My computer started to not boot itself to Windows until I get in and get out of the BIOS.

After I power up the computer, MB goes to POST process, it can not process to boot and cuts the power via MB, not PSU. Then re-powers the whole system, and "Enter BIOS" screen is showing up, I am entering the BIOS, not change anything, then exit from BIOS and it boots.

  • Checked rams, they all work fine
  • Updated BIOS, issue persist
  • Check sata cables, no issues, can see all disks

How should I proceed?

i7 7800X
ASUS TUF x299 Mark 1
Corsair 4x8 3000MHZ
EVGA 750w Gold
Corsair Neutron XTI 240 GB
Genuine Windows 10 Professional, updated to latest

Issue seems like everytime I close the PSU's switch (meaning cut the power off the whole computer), every time i turn on the computer after opening PSU switch, BIOS restores to default settings so PC boots to BIOS first. Any idea? Thanks.