Does OC the 8350 help?


Dec 5, 2014
Good day to everyone once more, and thank you in advance as always.

So I've always been told that the problem with the 8350 is its poor instruction per cycle. I know nothing but overclocking, but I have a board that is suppose to be pretty easy to get started on.
The ASUS M5A97 R2.0. But my question is if I overclock does enhancing the clock rate of the 8350 help at all if the problem is not in the clock rate?

Also, if anyone could point me in the right direction of a good guide to Overclocking this board I'd be much obliged:)

Well, from what I read that's not an easy thing to determine. Your just suppose to take it at face value that the 8350 will most definitely bottleneck a high end card.

The only thing I guess you could do is watch the load on the cpu in the task manager or cpuidz and if it reaches 100% then your bottlenecking. But the problem with that is I know all 8 cores on the 8350 are not going to show 100% and how can you watch it with a full load on your GPU. Because you'd need to be rendering, moving through an environment to know for sure you have a good load on your Graphics card.

Is there a program like FRAPS for in game CPU benches?

Thank You for the link